Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Hope of Seers

By: A.J. Thompson

Wilt He Who Is, the Amaranthine Bough,
Ere ‘bating arctic stars of twenty twain,
Draw dovish plumage drawn from Noah’s prow,
Abashéd tongue bestrewed by Babel’s Bane?
Wilt Abram’s Star of Stars descend from ‘loft,
And ruefully discern Jer’miah’s plaint,
Amidst the ashen city sullied frost,
The scheme of fiends and guards insouciant quaint?
Thy vigor past renew by fast preclude,
Unfasten not thy burden changed for rest,
For yonder wooden rood, ‘yond east winds shrewd,
Hath felt the costly nard in Mary’s tress.
In thee wilt He, O Shekinah’s abode,
‘Midst wine entwine thee, hallowed bride betrothed.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Unmoved Mover: Simplicity

There is no composition in God (SCG, I, 18)—Modified

Argument 1:
  • Anything composed is something one that is made of many different things (e.g. human person with arms)
  • Since many different things introduce unity into a composed thing by being united, the composed thing did not exist prior to being united
  • Yet, God is eternal and did not come to exist
  • Therefore, there is no composition in God
Argument 2:
  • Every composite is subsequent to its components
  • But, God is not subsequent to anything
    • He is eternal and did not come to exist
  • Therefore, God is not a composite

Unmoved Mover: Pure Actuality

There is no [substantial] potentiality in God (SCG, I, 16) – Modified
  • Anything that is potentially another thing must proceed from not being that thing to being that thing
  • God did not come to be nor can he ever cease to be; He is eternal.
  • Therefore there must be no potentiality in God.
There is no accidental potentiality in God
  • Anything with accidents is divisible
  • God is not divisible
    • If He were, then God would depend upon the motion of his dividends
  • Therefore, God has no accidents and cannot be in potency to them.
Pure Actuality

Unmoved Mover: Eternity

God is eternal (SCG, I, 15)
  • Movement and change precede anything that comes to exist or ceases to exist
  • Nothing precedes God
    • He is First Cause or Unmoved Mover
  • Therefore, God is eternal
    • (i.e. there is no beginning or end to Him)